An ancient way to breathe new
life into yourself

The modern world is deafening like loud music. The speed with which one experience replaces another has made us emotionally callous. Because of the terrible ecology, the senses have hardened. Due to electromagnetic waves emanating from literally every pocket, the conductivity of neurons has decreased, and hence the ability to really think productively. A person of the 21st century needs a complex detoxification: physical and mental. He found it in an 11th-century potion that the Quechua Indians inherited from the Incas. We are talking about the shamanic vegetable powder Rapé.

What is rape?

To simplify as much as possible, rape is an ancient snuff, that is, snuff. But it has nothing in common with modern snuff, and even more so with cigarettes.

Firstly, rapé does not contain Nicotiana tabacum, which is familiar to smokers, but Nicotiana rustica, also called Mapacho and "Aztec tobacco". For the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, this plant is sacred. It is used to treat wound infections, neutralize snake venom, exorcise evil spirits, and some shamans even add it to ayahuasca. The Quechua believe that mapacho personifies the element of earth, and therefore strengthens the connection with Mother Earth and opens energy channels.
The Uachuma ceremony is one of the ways to know oneself through sincerity, unconditional love for oneself, through acceptance and understanding of oneself and the world that a person creates
Secondly, Nicotiana rustica is just one of the 3 must-have ingredients in rapé. The remaining 2 are the ashes of the Arikury (Syagrus schizophyllum) and Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) palms, symbolizing the Sun and the Moon. Each shaman has his own unique rape recipe, which includes up to 30 plant components: flowers, leaves, seeds, roots, and wood ash. Some of them he collects himself, conducting a special ritual, during which he asks the spirits of the forest for help and strength. Others instruct hunters and children to get it.

Thirdly, the rapé is not ready until the shaman (also called page) performed a sacrament on him and loaded the magic powder with Strength and Intention, turning to the spirits of plants, primarily to Duma Pai. Such a rape not only cleanses the body of toxins, and the mental field from informational noise, but also helps to establish a connection with the Family and the Higher Self. Having prepared a rape, the shaman must first try it himself, and only then pass the magic powder to his fellow tribesmen.

Be careful! Many tobacco companies, for example, in Brazil, the USA and Germany, produce regular snuff, calling it "rape". Most likely, this is a consequence of historical inaccuracy: until the 19th century, the Brazilian nobility preferred to call any snuff by this name.
Rape is blown through the nose with the help of tepi or kuripe - V-shaped tubes made of bone, bamboo or different types of wood. Kuripe can be used independently: pour the powder inside, draw air into the chest, insert the tube with the long end into the nose, and with the short end into the mouth, and, exhaling sharply, blow the rape into the nasopharynx. The tepi is much longer and is used during ceremonies when the page himself blows magic powder into the nose of the participant.

It is important to follow the sequence. First, blow the powder into the left nostril, this symbolizes death. Then - to the right, in order to be metaphorically reborn, resurrected. Rapé will begin to be absorbed through the mucous membranes - and you will feel that the nasopharynx is as if doused with fire. Your eyes will begin to water, your head will feel pleasantly dizzy, you will want to sneeze. In some cases (especially if the beginner has taken too much rape), nausea is possible. When the effects subside, blow your nose to clear your airways.

During the ritual, you need to listen to yourself, meditate. Since the composition of rape varies greatly among different shamans, the sensations can also be different: soft or hard, accompanied only by a feeling of physical and mental purification, or also by mystical experiences.
To get the maximum effect from participating in Life Retreat with Viktor Alexeev, you need to properly prepare. We have prepared detailed instructions for you.


First blow the powder into the left nostril, then into the right
What effects does rapeh have?

For the Quechua and other indigenous peoples of the Amazon, the rape ritual is not only an ancient tradition, but also an integral part of spiritual culture and medicine. This powder treats and prevents diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, detoxifies the soul and body, and stimulates brain activity. A person who has used rape thinks clearly, easily solves difficult problems, gets less tired, easier to establish relationships with others and sincerely rejoices at how beautiful the world is. The colors seem to become brighter and the sounds louder. A person begins to live in full force.

There are also specific types of rape. For example, with the addition of ground seeds of poisonous Amazonian milkweed. Such a powder, called "jaguar warrior rape", for some time completely relieves a person of fear. There are compositions for work that significantly increase physical strength and endurance, as well as a special rape for healers (curandero), which allows you to magically enter the soul of the patient and take away the disease. But most of all, the Indians value rape, which opens the third eye, helps to comm
Not only recipes and methods of preparing rape differ, but also the ceremonies themselves. The most common - 3:

Rapeh Yapu. Named after a rare Amazonian bird, this ritual involves inhaling the powder with a jerky "deer breath". Self-consumption is allowed, through kuripe (often made from forest chestnut and 2 bamboo tubes). Rape does not penetrate too deeply, and therefore almost does not cause mystical experiences. But it pacifies, relieves stress and fills with the energy of the World thanks to the cleansing of the nasal cavities. The Indians believe that the secret of strength and health lies in deep nasal breathing.
Rapéh Pinu (hummingbird). During this ceremony, the page blows the rape through the tepi with a powerful and lingering "breath of the jiboia" (Brazilian tree boa). Thus, the powder clears the frontal sinuses (which serve as reservoirs of magic) and opens the third, fiery eye, so that the spirit of Dume Pai can pass through it. Rapé Pina is used to treat serious illnesses when other means are powerless, as well as to prepare for acquaintance with the Unknown. This is a stage on the way to the ritual of the third type.
Rapeh Ara. Not everyone is able to go through a ceremony named after a huge parrot - only those who have already achieved perfect physical and spiritual hardness, and therefore are ready to interact directly with the spirit of Dume Pai. Such ceremonies are extremely rare, and rape is blown through a thick straight tube - canuda, or kashpa.
We have collected the maximum information about "ayahuasca" so that you can fully familiarize yourself with this drink, both from the scientific and spiritual side.


There are different types of rape,
but there are only three main ones.

The one who managed to open the third eye and cope with Dume Pai acquires the wisdom of nature, gains the ability to make astral travel and interact with Rod.

Instead of a conclusion

This magic powder is amazingly versatile. Depending on the composition, dosage, method of consumption and the order of the ceremony, rape can be both a powerful physical and mental detoxifier, and a source of mystical visions that open access to the ancient wisdom of the Quechua and other indigenous peoples of the Amazon. The potential of rap is huge. Be patient and persistent - only then will you be able to reveal it to the fullest.

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