"World Heritage Academy" This name organically grew out of our lifestyle. And the style of life, in turn, was formed taking into account the conditions and difficulties that fate has prepared for us.
The World Heritage Academy is a set of rules, techniques, disciplines and plants that effectively solve problems of a mental, physical and spiritual nature. This complex of knowledge and skills has changed the lives of all members of our organization for the better and is now changing the lives of our students for the better.
We have done a titanic work so that you get insights that you will not get anywhere else and under any circumstances. We accompany you, from the first to the last step. We help you decide to change your life and pave the way for further self-improvement.
Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies are not a goal, but a means to achieve it. After going through the rituals, you will have to integrate the received insights. We teach not only to listen, but also to hear. We have led dozens of people along this p
REMEMBER: responsibility for the result lies not only
on the shaman and teacher plants, but also on each of us.
Approach the ceremony responsibly and prepare both physiologically and mentally.
After passing the Ayahuasca ceremonies, you will be able to be initiated into real healers in the VIP training, where Viktor Alexeev, together with shamans, will conduct an ancient shamanic ritual